At Arvada Technologies, we provide stable and scalable solutions with dynamic user interfaces that combine strong functionality with appealing visuals. Our highly qualified development team ensures the fulfillment of deadlines and following the project requirements.

Our various development services are-

  1. Custom react development- Our team utilizes react technology to develop custom user interfaces since it ensures flexibility, efficiency, and scalability, etc. We implement the following measures- designing the architecture, building and utilizing the elements, managing data and testing the application.
  1. Single page development- Our team focuses on Single page development which enables placing the entire content and features on the application on a single page. Our react development organization creates a dynamic and interactive web application by using javascript for loading content and managing user interactions.
  1. Application Migration to React- Our team of developers assists in moving a web page to the react javascript library. We carefully plan their migration process by identifying the React organizations to be utilized and establishing testing procedures.
  1. React consulting- Having a team of qualified specialists- CTO, Team leads, developers, and QnA engineers – we offer consulting services. At Arvada Technologies, we carefully analyze the current app, or verify your requirements to provide the most scalable solution for your business.
  1. Architecture building- We assist in building an efficient architecture for your React application. The correct architecture enables maintenance and scaling the application easier. Our team tends to utilize various state management libraries like Redux, Mobx and Context API.
  1. Maintenance and Support- As an organization offering maintenance services to support applications once they are delivered. Our team executes a variety of tasks involving bug fixes, security updates, compatibility updates, and feature enhancements.

Why should React development services be opted for?

  • Elements based architecture with a simple learning curve.
  • Rapid performance due to a single way data binding.
  • Effective events managing DOM based process of development.
  • SEO friendly platforms and reusable elements.

Our services include-

  1. Functional elements- React Functional elements involve are easier to read, test, and maintain as compared to class elements. They allow hooks, which simplifies state management and side effects.
  1. Small elements- React development services enable using one element to do only one thing. Breaking down larger elements into smaller ones makes them easier to read, test and maintain.
  1. Proptypes- Proptypes are a way to document the expected props for an element. They assist in catching errors early on and offer useful feedback in case something goes wrong.
  1. React Developer tools- React developer tools are a browser extension that helps in inspecting and debugging react elements. It is possible to see the element hierarchy, props and state at any point of time.
  1. CSS Modules- These are a way to scope CSS styles to a specific element. Our team of highly qualified professionals utilizes the CSS modules to avoid leaking into other elements and keep the code organized.
  1. Immutable Data- Immutable data assists in avoiding bugs by making it tougher to accidently mutate data. Our team of qualified professionals utilizes libraries such as immutable js to handle the state immutably.

Tools used by our React team-

  1. Single page applications- React router, React router DOM, Single spa react, Styled elements.
  1. State management- Redux redux toolkit, Redux observable, REdux thunx, Redux saga, effector, Mobx, Apollo GraphQl, RxJS.
  2. Server side rendering- Next.js, Gatsby.
  1. UI Elements- Material UI, Bootstrap, Chakra UI, Ant Design, Kendoreact, Reactstrap, Formik.
  1. Data Visualization- Google charts, AG Grid, HIghcharts
  1. Testing- Jasmine, Jest, Spectator, Protractor, Cypress, Mocha, Puppeteer.