Node JS development is a cross platform runtime environment that is open sourced and is utilized for carrying out JavaScript code. It is used for server side programming extensively and enables the developers to utilize JavaScript for client side and server side code without requiring to learn an extra language. 

It is utilized to create quick and scalable network applications. It is created on the Java Script V8 engine of Google Chrome. It carries out the JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is light and enables the user to build a web server in just a few minutes.

Node JS advances JavaScript to the next level. It allows the developers to create an app on the client and the server side at the same time by utilizing JavaScript.

It also assists in delivering quick and test concepts rapidly.

Advantages and disadvantages of Node JS development

Advantages- One of the biggest pros of Node JS development is that the learning curve is low for developers who are proficient in JavaScript.

  • Node JS has a runtime environment that supports the caching of modules.
  • Requests in Node JS are handled better due to the event driven input/output.
  • Same code is utilized by developers for server side and client side, which makes deploying web applications easier.


  • Inconsistency in enhancing API.
  • Tasks that are intensive on CPU don’t consider Node JS an optimal solution.
  • Split opinions about the asynchronous approach.

Some of the famous applications built by Node JS are-

  1. Paypal
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Yahoo
  4. Mozilla
  5. Netflix
  6. Uber
  7. Groupon
  8. Godaddy
  9. Ebay

How is Node JS beneficial?

Node JS enables quicker delivery and assists in testing concepts. It carries this out by sharing model code and tests between the client and the server. It leads to a significant efficiency for the development team.

Plus, Node JS excels as a framework regarding applications offering real time experience or streaming. With Node JS, it is easier to make changes in the application. It happens smoother when the application model is based on the event driven model of Node js instead of a classic MVP.

Why do the largest firms from various industries select Node JS?

Some of the reasons as to why the biggest companies opt for Node JS are-

  1. Runs the same programming language as in the browser.
  2. Designed with keeping scalability in mind.
  3. Access to the Node package manager
  4. Provides stability and long term support.
  5. Lightweight and quick.

The best Node JS tools for developers

  1. Mocha js- It tests framework for asynchronous testing both in console and in the browser.
  2. Chai- a TDD and BDD assertion framework that can be paired with any selected testing framework.
  3. Sinon j.s.- A standalone testing framework for JavaScript, it works with any testing tool, supports stubs, mocks and spies.
  4. j.s.- a minimalist framework, Node JS and Express js, enables the developers to build software by utilizing JavaScript on the other side.
  5. Webstrom IDE- an outstanding IDE for JavaScript, has all the user requires for building Node JS apps on the server and client side.
  6. Passport js- An authentication middleware for Node JS.
  7. io- It is a framework that enables bi-directional real time communication, on the basis of events.
  8. Webpack- It bundles the JavaScript files for usage in the browser.
  9. Bluebird js- It is a library that assists you in controlling asynchronous code.
  10. PM2- It is a process manager.
  11. Electrode i.o- It is a platform for building universal React/Node js applications with standardized structure and the best practices baked in.
  12. Meteor js- It is a framework that is used for rapid prototyping and writing cross platform code.
  13. Vue js- It seems a great alternative for Angular js.
  14. Mean js- It is a full stack Javascript solution for web applications. It’s stack includes MongoDB, Express js, Angular js, and Node js.
  15. Babel- It is a Javascript compiler.