Angular is a development platform that is created on Typescript. It consists of-

  • An element based framework that is used for creating scalable web applications.
  • A collection of well integrated libraries that covers a variety of features that involves routing, form management, client-server communication, etc.
  • A suite of development tools to enable the developers to develop, create, test, and update their code.

 By using Angular, the user is leveraging a platform that has the ability to scale from individual developer projects to applications of enterprise level. It is designed to make updating as straightforward as possible. Hence, it gets possible to leverage the latest developments with minimum effort.

Overall, the Angular ecosystem includes a diverse group of over 1.7 million developers, library authors and content creators.

The major applications of angular includes-

  • Elements

Elements are the building blocks that make an application. It consists of a typescript class with a decorator, an HTML template, and styles. The component decorator specifies the following Angular specific data-

  1. A CSS selector that explains how the element is used in a template. HTML elements in the user’s template that match this selector become instances of this element.
  1. An HTML template that commands Angular on how to render the element.
  1. An optional set of CSS styles that explains the appearance of the template’s HTML components.

The element model of Angular provides strong encapsulation and an intuitive structure of application. These elements also make the application painless to unit test and can enhance the general readability of the code.

  • Templates

Every element has an HTML template that declares how that element renders. The user explains this template either inline or by file path. 

Angular adds syntax components that extend the HTML so that the user can insert dynamic values from your element. Angular automatically updates the rendered DOM when the state of the element changes.

The declarative templates of Angular lets the user clearly separate their application’s logic from its presentation. Templates are based on the standard HTML to easily assist in the process of building ,maintaining and updating.

  • Dependency Injection

Dependency injection enables the user to declare the dependencies of their typescript classes without caring for their instantiation. Rather, the instantiation is handled by Angular for the user. This design pattern enables the user to write more testable and flexible code. Understanding the dependency injections is not crucial for beginning to use Angular.  However, it is strongly recommended as an efficient practice.

A lot of aspects of      Angular takes leverage of it to some extent.